Antonio Caro is part of the collective exhibition "Espesuras. Habitar un mundo herido" at the Museo La Tertulia

Casas Riegner is pleased to announce that the artist Antonio Caro will be part of the exhibition "Espesuras. Habitar un mundo herido", which opened Saturday, October 19, within the framework of COP16 in Cali. Caro will participate with his work Matas de maíz, belonging to the collection of the La Tertulia Museum, as part of a project in alliance with the Explora Park of Medellín.

The exhibition, curated by Carolina Chacón, proposes a space to reflect on critical issues such as environmental conflict, the decolonization of nature and human resistance in the face of the current ecological crisis. Through a diversity of media, such as installations, video, photography, painting and drawing, Espesuras seeks to open a dialogue about the environmental crisis, climate change and the social and ecological imbalances derived from it.

"Espesuras. Habitar un mundo herido" will be open to the public at the La Tertulia Museum, in Cali, until March 2025.