‘An Opera for Animals’
We are pleased to announce that Beatriz González will be part of the exhibition ‘An Opera for Animals’, at the Rockbund Art Museum, at Shangai, China. This exhibition curated by Cosmin Costinas, Hsieh Feng–Rong, Claire Shea and Billy Tang “explores the way in which the future is now projected less as the rational thinking commonly remembered from the post-war era – advanced machinery, design, and social forms– but once more as a place of amorphous fear, of animals that might take over inartificial landscapes. The future it seems, will again be an opera for animals”.
“Taking over all five floors of this historial building in the heart of Shangai, the Opera will join a series of groundbreaking exhibitions that RAM (Rockbund Art Museum) has been staging since its inception in 2010. Together with their critical education programme, these have shaped RAM into one of the most respected contemporary art museums in East Asia”.
Rockbund Art Museum
20 Huqiu Road, Huangpu District
Shanghai, China
June 22 – August 25, 2019