‘La naturaleza de las cosas: Humboldt, idas y venidas.’ en el Museo de Arte de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia
We are pleased to announce that Liliana Sánchez and Angélica Teuta will be part of the exhibition ‘La naturaleza de las cosas: Humboldt, idas y venidas’ (The nature of things: Humboldt, comings, and goings) at the Museum of Art of the National University, in Bogotá, Colombia. The exhibition curated by Halim Badawi commemorates the “250 years of the birth of the German scientist Alexander Von Humboldt, who visited the present territory of Colombia at the beginning of the 19th century. This exhibition, which includes around 100 artistic and historical works, is divided into nine dialogues that relate works of the present, and that account for the survival of the Humboldtian legacy in the arts of our time”.
Museo de Arte, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Carrera 30 No. 45 – 03, Edificio 317, Campus Universitario Bogotá.
When: May 8 – July 6, 2019