Entraña, el cuerpo quiere seguir siendo cuerpo
“Entraña, el cuerpo quiere seguir siendo cuerpo” is a project by Luz Lizarazo, who transformed the Cubo Blanco into a visceral space of reflection on the body, skin, and its interactions with the environment.
The central work of this exhibition, “Piel extendida”, consists of cut and joined nylon stockings, creating patterns that cover the walls of the space. These stockings, unfolding like wallpaper, envelop the room with their texture and subtle delicacy, inviting the viewer to approach and explore the fragility and complexity of human skin.
At the center of this space hangs the skirt of “Desahogo”, a work that delves into the symbolism of the tongue, the only organ that emerges from the body. This piece establishes a dialogue with the word, taste, and pleasure, concepts that are intrinsically connected to the human capacity to communicate, feel, and enjoy. Through this work, the tongue becomes a symbol of liberation and expression, an extension of our deepest being.
The installation is completed with four drawings: “Todos los poderes en mí”, “Mantener el fuego encendido”, “Escenario imaginado para todas mis bestias”, and “Encuentro de todas mis bestias: una invitación para la danza”. These drawings add an emotional and narrative layer to the space, offering the viewer a vision of the body in its diversity and multiplicity, exploring bestiality, desire, and the vital energy that resides within us.
"Entraña, el cuerpo quiere seguir siendo cuerpo" invites us to explore the body beyond its physical dimension, proposing it as a space in constant transformation, expanding outward and connecting with the intangible. Through various dialogues between the artist and the curator Paula Bossa, this project encourages us to rethink our relationship with our own skin, to question the boundaries of what we understand as corporeal, and to immerse ourselves in a universe where the physical, the symbolic, and the sensory intertwine, intersect, and redefine us.